Thursday, September 13, 2018

12 Blues Bar

Scotty always liked the blues. 

And it's a safe bet that the Blues liked Scotty, at least they always kept him company.

From the time he was 15 years old, standing a tall 6 foot 4, with thick, wavy black hair and a look that the girls said was quote-interesting-unquote, he found a fun trouble that soon turned blue.

He was first married at 16, ran away to Tahoe with a girl from history class. They were madly in love that month, too bad it was February at not even leap year.

The marriage lasted halfway through sophomore year of high school, ending in an annulment which is how lawyers spell "didn't happen".

Wedding 2 came the night of senior prom because...well...he already had both a tux & a fake ID.

Scotty & his 2nd bride didnt need a didn't happen that go round because it turned out the Tijuana bartender slash preacher wasn't really a preacher & was barely a bartender.

This pattern continued 10 more times in almost as many years until one day Scotty found himself, not yet 30 with 12 failed marriages under his belt.

12 brides.
12 honeymoons.
12 blues.

So he opened a bar with what little he managed to save, borrow, or con and called it the 12 Blues Bar.

Opens at noon, closes at 2 am.
And if you're looking to get married,
Scotty hired a guy from TJ, might be able to help you out.


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